2012 Brazos Valley Worldfest

11/10/2012 11:34

The annual festival presenting many nations and cultures of people living in the Brazos Valley took place on Saturday, November 10, 2012, at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater, 1015 Colgate Drive, College Station, TX. Among the more than 30 countries represented, the Czech Republic booth was sponsored by the BVCHS. Many members volunteered their time in staffing the booth, in making craft items and baking. The bake and craft sale was a very successful part of the cultural display. We were proud to present Miss Brazos Valley Czech-Slovak Queen Jennifer Koll in her beautiful kroj as part of the festivities.

Stanislav Vitha was instrumental in organizing the Chapter’s efforts in this event. He had assistance from Frank and Marie Dulak, Charlene Lusk, Josie Millberger, Regina and Charles Opersteny, Lynette Urbanovsky, Stan’s wife Tanya Wagner and their daughters Alena, Kamila and Erika, Sheryl Wenck and her daughter Faith, and Jo Ann Zaeske.