


February 8, 2025 - Membership Meeting - St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, Small Meeting Room, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, 1:00 - 4:00 PM.  Election of officers for the next biennium was the primary item of business.

December 7, 2024, Christmas Party - St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX.  Small Meeting Room; 12:00 NOON - 4:00 PM.

November 9, 2024, Fall Baking Class - St. Joseph Parish Activity Center Kitchen, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX.  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.  

November 2, 2024, Membership Meeting - St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX.  Small Meeting Room.

October 12, 2024, Czech Heritage Celebration and Dance - St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX.

September 9, 2024, Fall Czech Language Class - Class ended December 2, 2024, at St. Joseph Parish Activity Center Classroom, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan.

September 7, 2024, Membership Meeting - St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX.  Small Meeting Room; 1:00 - 4:00 PM.

June 2, 2024, Spring Social - The social was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX, from 2:00 - 6:00 PM in association with the local KJZT chapter.  Hot dogs, trimmings, and refreshments were provided, and members brought a side dish or a dessert to share.  About 50 members enjoyed games and fellowship.

January 29 - April 22, 2024 - The class was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, in the Back Meeting Room. 

April 13, 2024, Membership Meeting and Scholarship Presentation - St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX.  Small Meeting Room; 12:00 NOON - 4:00 PM.  Recipient of the Matush Czech Heritage Scholarship was Kamal Vitha.

April 6, 2024, Spring Baking Class - The class was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center Kitchen, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX.  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.  There were 13 students in attendance.

January 13, 2024, Membership Meeting - The meeting was held at St. Joseph Parish Activity Center in Bryan.

December 9, 2023, Christmas Party - The Chapter Christmas Party was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center in Bryan. 

November 18, 2023, Fall Baking Class - The class was held in the St. Joseph PAC Kitchen. class was held in the t. Joseph PAC Kitchen.

November 11, 2023, CHS Fall State Membership Meeting - BVCHS hosted the Fall Meeting at St. Anthony's Monsignor Malinoski Center in Bryan.

.November 4, 2023, BVCHS Membership Meeting - A chapter meeting was held at St. Joseph PAC in Bryan to finalize plans for hosting the CHS State Fall Membership Meeting which will be held at St. Anthony's Monsignor Malinoski Center in Bryan, on November 11, 2023.    Also, Stan Vitha stated that the Fall Baking Class was full, and he had to turn away several inquiries.  Additionally, plans for the Chapter Christmas Party were discussed, and members were asked to volunteer to help decorate and set up the room in the PAC.

October 14, 2023, BVCHS Czech Heritage Celebration - BVCHS celebrated Czech Heritage month on October 14, 2023, at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center in Bryan, Texas.  Doors opened at 12:00 PM, with lunch, fellowship, and dancing from 12:30 to 4:30 PM.  Music was provided by JRP Entertainment, LLC.

September 12, 2023, Fall Czech Language Class - The class was held in the St. Joseph PAC located at 600 East 26th Street in Bryan.

June 4, 2023, Summer Social and Announcement of 2023 BVCHS Junior Queen - Grace Moravec, daughter of John and Amy Moravec, was crowned 2023 Miss BVCHS Junior Queen, at this event which included refreshments and a fun time of fellowship.  

April 30, 2023, Chapter Membership Meeting - Scholarship Presentations were made at the meeting held at C&J BBQ, 2112 West Briargate Road, Bryan, Texas  77803.

January 30, 2023, Spring Czech Language Class The class was held Monday evenings through April 24th from 7:00-8:30 PM at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 600 E. 26th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803.

March 4, 2023, Spring Kolache Baking Class - The class was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Kitchen in Bryan as scheduled.

January 14, 2023, Chapter Membership Meeting - A chapter meeting was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 600 E. 26th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803.  Election and installation of officers occurred, and a presentation was  made regarding the State CHS Queen Pageant, which beginning this year, has been moved to to the State Summer Meeting in July and expanded to incorporate a Youth Pageant.  Light refreshments were served.

December 3, 2022, Chapter Christmas Party The Christmas Party was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 600 E. 26th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803, beginning at 12:00 PM.  The Chapter provided turkey and ham and members brought various side dishes and desserts.  Following the meal, there were youth and member presentations, singing of Christmas carols, the traditional Christmas ornament exchange, and awarding of door prizes.  The party was well-attended and enjoyed by all present.

November 19, 2022 - The baking class was held in the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center in Bryan, TX.  Attendees learned to bake Gingerbread Cookies (Perničky) and Czech Christmas Bread (Vanočka).

November 12, 2022 - Chapter volunteers participated in working a BVCHS  booth at Brazos Valley Worldfest held this year in downtown Bryan, TX.

November 11, 2022 - Chapter volunteers met for a bake session to prepare baked good for sale at Brazos Valley Worldfest.  The baking was conducted in the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center Kitchen, Bryan, TX.

November 5, 2022 Membership Meeting - The meeting was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, Bryan, Texas, to conduct routine business and to watch the video presentation of "Heart of the Tin Trunk," Part 2.

October 22, 2022 , Czech Heritage Celebration Dinner and Dance - The celebration was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 600 E. 26th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803.  A catered dinner was enjoyed by attendees with wonderful music by Lost Cause Band of Columbus provided from 1:00 - 4:00 PM.

September 19, 2022, Fall Czech Language Class - The Fall Czech Language Class began September 19th in a classroom at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 600 E. 26th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803.  The class focused on beginners and concentrated on conversational Czech.

September 17, 2022 Membership Meeting  - The meeting was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, Bryan, Texas, to conduct routine business and to watch the video presentation of "Heart of the Tin Trunk," Part 1, which is a musical and celebration of life and family.  Light refreshments were served .

June 11, 2022 BVCHS 25th Anniversary Celebration - The chapter hosted a catered meal and program, at no cost to members, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the chapter's existence.  The location was St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, Bryan, Texas.

April 23, 2022 Spring Kolache Baking Class - The class focused on making genuine Czech kolache, buns (buchty), and a fruit sheet cake with crumbly topping.

April 3, 2022 Membership Meeting & Scholarship Presentation - The meeting was held at C&J BBQ, Bryan, Texas.  The 2022 Novak-Zaeske Memorial Scholarship awardee was announced as Faith Wenck, daughter of Fred and Cheryl Wenck and granddaughter of Jo Ann Zaeske.

February 19, 2022, Chapter Meeting (rescheduled from January 19) - A chapter meeting was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center.  Routine business was conducted and bylaws were discussed.

February 7, 2022 Spring Czech Language Class: The Spring Czech Language Class began Monday, February 7, 2022, and ended on Monday, May 9, 2022.  The class met every Monday at St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, located at 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX  77803, from 7:00-8:30 PM and focused on Czech language and culture.  

Fall 2021 Baking Class - [****CANCELLED****]

January 15, 2022 Chapter Meeting [****POSTPONED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

December 13, 2021 Fall Czech Language Class - The Fall Czech language class concluded.

December 11, 2021 Christmas Party - The chapter's annual Christmas Party was held at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center.  The traditional meal was catered, and members brought sides and desserts.  As typical of past years, the party included singing of Christmas carols in English and Czech (koledy), the annual Christmas ornament exchange, and this year a Christmas Holiday Raffle and several flute solos by Chapter member Faye Wenck.

November 7, 2021 Chapter Meeting - A chapter meeting was held in the Big Pow Wow banquet room at C&J BBQ, 1010 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX  77803, beginning at 1:00 PM.  One of the chapter's 2021 scholarship recipients, Kamila Vitha, gave a very interesting presentation about food and eating in the Czech Republic.  A business meeting followed the presentation.

Fall 2021 Baking Class [****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

September 27, 2021 - Gall Czech Language Class - The Fall Czech Language Class began Monday, September 27, 2021, and ended Monday, December 2021.  The class met every Monday at St. Joseph PAC in Bryan 7-8:30 PM.  The instructor was BVCHS member Stanislav (Stan) Vitha.

September 19, 2021 Chapter Meeting  - [****CANCELLED****]

April 18, 2021 Chapter Meeting - The meeting was held at C&J BBQ in Bryan, TX, with the primary items of business being election of officers for 2021-2022 and awarding of scholarships.

Spring 2021 Baking Class[****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

February 2, 2021 Spring Czech Language Class[****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

January 17, 2021 Chapter Meeting - [****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

December 5, 2020 Christmas Party - [****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

November 8, 2020 Chapter Meeting This meeting was held at C&J Barbecue, 1010 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX  77803.  The purpose of the meeting was to finalize details of the chapter Christmas Party, discuss event/meeting requirement changes at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, plan for the Spring Czech Language Class, and consider a donation for finalization of the film "Dance Hall Days."  Event dates for 2021 were presented  by Frank Dulak and accepted.  The dates are presented ion the upcoming events tab.  Election of chapter officers to serve for the next biennium will be held at the January 2021 meeting.

October 5, 2020 Fall Czech Language Class  The Fall Czech Language Class began Monday, October 5, 2020.  The class focuses on beginners, but is generally structured to accommodate both beginners and more advanced speakers of the Czech language, depending on the language abilities of the students who enroll.  The class typically concentrates on conversational Czech and is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Czech language and culture.  The class began at the St. Joseph Parish Acvtivity Center [PAC] but was moved to downtown Bryan to the Office of Bruno Shimek, due to complications at the PAC.  Tomáš Pansky was the instructor.    

Fall Baking Class [****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

October 24, 2020 Brazos Valley Worldfest - [****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

The Chapter is planning to again participate in the event as it has for many years.  Due to the pandemic, however, this year's event will be VIRTUAL.  Further information can be found at the event's web site: [https://www.brazosvalleyworldfest.org/].

October 18, 2020 Fall Czech Celebration [****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

This is an annual celebration of October as Czech Heritage Month.  The event typically begins with two Czech Polka Masses at St. Joseph Catholic Church, sung by The Taylor Czech Chorus, followed by a catered meal and a dance in the afternoon at the St. Joseph PAC. 

September 20, 2020 Chapter Meeting - [****CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

This meeting is planned to assure that logistical details for the Fall Czech Celebration are in place and to finalize  lans for participation in Brazos Valley Worldfest.

June 7, 2020 Chapter Meeting - [****CANCELED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]  

The chapter planned to to meet at C&J BBQ Restaurant in Bryan, in the Pow Wow Room, to conduct business and update members on plan members on plans for the Fall Czech Language Class and the Fall Czech Celebration.  The meeting was canceled due to the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus outbreak.  The date for the Fall Czech Celebration had to be moved to October 18 [third Sunday] due a scheduling conflict of the St. Joseph PAC, necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic.

April 19, 2020 Chapter Meeting - [****CANCELED DUE TO PANDEMIC****]

The primary purpose of this meeting was to award chapter scholarships.  The meeting was canceled due to the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus outbreak.  Since no acceptable scholarship applications were received, the BVCHS Executive Committee contributed the $500 monetary award from the Novak-Zaeske Scholarship to the Brazos Valley Food Bank.

March 7, 2020 Spring Baking Class - The class was on "Kolache Baking" and held at the St. Joseph PAC kitchen.  Stan Vitha instructed the class.  The class was full and included attendance by 2020 Miss Texas-Czech Slovak Queen Lauren Gerik and her Little Czech Sister Sarah Alexander.

January 19, 2020 Chapter Meeting - The purpose of this meeting was to close out old business from calendar year 2019 and address new business for 2020 including scholarships.    

December 14, 2019 Baking Class - "Baking for Czech Christmas" - A baking class was held in the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center kitchen on Saturday, December 14, 2019, beginning at 9:00 a.m.  The class focused on preparation of Czech bread and cookies for Christmas.  All baking ingredients were included in the cost of the class,...

December 7, 2019 Christmas Party - A Christmas Party was held on Saturday, December 7, 2019, at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center.  The party inluded a catered dinner followed by a short inspirational program and special musical performances by chapter members including singing of Christmas carols in English...

November 9, 2019 Brazos Valley Worldfest - The Chapter sponsored a booth at Brazos Valley Worldfest on November 9, 2019.  The event was held at the Brazos County Expo Complex in Bryan from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  Baked goods prepared by chapter members sold very well, and the chapter made a net profit above any of its...

November 3, 2019 Chapter Meeting - A chapter meeting was held Sunday, November 3, 2019, at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center, beginning at 1:00 pm.  After a meal for which the chapter furnished baked chicken and members brought appropriate sides and desserts, the 2019 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen,...

October 13, 2019 - Fall Czech Heritage Celebration - The Fall Czech Celebration was held Sunday, October 13, 2019, at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center [PAC] in Bryan.  Two Polka Masses were sung at St. Joseph Catholic Church at 10:00 and 11:30 AM by the Taylor Czech Chorus.  A dinner catered by Sloppy Joe's of Bryan was served at 1:00...


September 15, 2019 Chapter Meeting - A chapter meeting was held Sunday, September 15, 2019, at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center, beginning at 2:00 pm.  



June 6, 2019 Summer Czech Language Class - Summer Czech Language Class began Monday, June 3, 2019.  Classes are informal and held at at Cracker Barrel Restaurant, 3110 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, TX  77802, 979-731-8889, beginning at 7:00 PM and lasting about an hour and a half.  Tomas Pansky is the instructor for the...



May 19, 2019 Chapter meeting - A chapter meeting occurred Sunday, May 19, 2019, at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center, beginning at 2:00 pm.



April 6, 2019 Czech Pastry Baking Class - April 6, 2019 Czech Pastry Baking Class 10/29/2018 09:00 Learn how to bake apple strudel and poppy seed rolls.   Saturday, April 6, 2019, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm   Register here:  https://whoozin.com/PG7-T4T-DR76   Cost:  $35 per person.  Class size is limited to 12...


March 17, 2019 Chapter Meeting - A chapter meeting was shelded for Sunday, March 17, 2019, at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center, beginning at 2:00 pm.


February 16, 2019 Winter State Meeting and 17th Annual CHS Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen Pageant - The BVCHS will host the meeting and pageant on Saturday, February 16, 2019, at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, 700 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX 77803.  Opening ceremonies are set for 9:00 am to be followed by the pageant at 9:45.  The pageant format includes on-stage interviews,...


January 13, 2019 Chapter Meeting - A chapter meeting was held on Sunday, January 13, 2019, at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center in Bryan, beginning at 2:00 pm.  Highlights of the meeting included:  induction of 2019-2020 officers; final planning for the Winter State Meeting and 17th Annual Miss Texas...



December 4, 2018 Leoš Janáček" Cunning Little Vixen (Comic opera) - The Brazos Valley Czech Heritage Society will be hosting ”The Cunning Little Vixen” Czech opera by Leoš Janáček. The opera incorporates Moravian folk music and rhythms and recounts the adventures of a charming, feisty, cunning little vixen and contrasts the fierce vitality and exuberance of...


December 1, 2018 BVCHS Christmas Party - The Chapter Christmas Party with catered meal and social program was held December 1, 2018 at 1:00 p.m., at the St. Joseph Catholic Church, Parish Activity Center 600 E. 26th Street Bryan, Texas 77803.  A catered Christmas Dinner was served.


BVCHS 20th Anniversary - BVCHS celebrated its 20th anniversary on June 23, 2017.


2017 Novak_Zaeske Scholarship Awarded - Emily Hubacek was awarded the 2017 Novak-Zaeske Scholarship on May 21, 2017.  Emily is the daughter of Richard and Lisa Hubacek and is the granddaughter of Margaret Hubacek.  Emily is a graduating senior from Bryan High School.  Emily is an outstanding student ranked 13th in...



BVCHS Hosts the Stribrnanka Tour - On April 25 the BVCHS was proud to host Stribrnanka tour.  The Stribrnanka is a brass band from the Czech Republic that is currently touring the state of Texas.  The event took place at the Brazos Center in Bryan, Texas.  The concert tour is supported by the University of North...


2016 Novak-Zaeske Scholarship Awarded - The first ever BVCHS Novak-Zaeske Scholarship was awarded to Fallon Wenck during the April Chapter meeting. Fallon graduated in May 2016 from A&M Consolidated High School with the following honors: Summa Cum Laude, AP Scholar with Distinction, Distinguished Achievement Graduate,...


BVCHS Hosts Ceske mse Vanocni (The Czech Christmas Mass) - December 3, 2015, The BVCHS was proud to host the Ceske mse Vanocni (The Czech Christmas Mass) on December 3 at St. Mary's Catholic Church.  4 soloists, a small choir, a small string group and a organist from the University of North Texas brought an evening of music that is performed at...

BVCHS Polka Mass, Dinner and Dance - On October 11, 2015, two Polka masses were celebrated at 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM at the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bryan, Texas.  The Taylor Czech Chorus sang at the polka masses.  Following the masses, a dinner was served at 1:00 PM followed by the dance at...

BVCHS hosts the 2015 CHS Spring State Meeting & 13th Annual Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen Pageant - On April 25, 2015, the BVCHS hosted the CHS Spring State Meeting & 13th Annual Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen Pageant.  The festivities occurred at the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center in Bryan, Texas.  The day began with coffee and kolaches and the Opening Ceremonies occurred at 9:15...

The BVCHS, TAMU Libraries and Aggie Cinema presents LISTOPAD - On February 26, 2015, The BVCHS, TAMU Libraries and Aggie Cinema presents LISTOPAD.  LISTOPAD is a movie covering the velvet revolution in 1989.  Admission is free and will start at 6:00 PM at MSC2400 at the Memorial Student Center on the Texas A&M University campus.  For more...

2015 Chapter Meeting  - On January 22, 2015, a chapter meeting occurred at C&J Barbeque located in Bryan, Texas.  Dining began at 6:30 PM and the meeting kicked off around 7:00 PM.  The main agenda items included the installation of officers, the upcoming CHS State meeting which will be hosted by...

2014 BVCHS Christmas Party - The annual BVCHS Christmas Party was held on December 5, 2014 at St. Joseph Catholic Church PAC in Bryan, Texas.  A catered dinner was served featuring turkey and dressing with all the trimmings.  Several special presentations were made during the evening.  Marketa Byrtusova,...

2014 Brazos Valley Worldfest - On November 22, 2014, the annual Brazos Valley Worldfest took place.  The event opened at 10:00 AM but was cut short and cancelled around 11:00 AM due to threatening weather in the area.  There were around 20-30 visitors to the booth before the event was cancelled. This year there was an...

2014 Chapter Meeting - On November 20, 2014 a chapter meeting occurred at The Feed Barn in Bryan, Texas.  Topics of discussion included several upcoming events (Worldfest, Christmas Party) as well as the election of 2015-2016 Officers.  All of the current officers were voted in to continue their term for...

2014 Kolache and Christmas Bread Baking Class - The 2014 Kolache and Christmas Bread Baking Class occurred on October 25, 2014 at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center. The class provided a wonderful opportunity to learn how to make genuine Czech Kolache and Vanocka (braided Christmas Bread). The class was taught by Mr....

2014 Polka Mass, Dinner and Dance - On October 12, 2014, the BVCHS sponsored a Polka Mass, Dinner and Dance.  The masses were celebrated at the St, Joseph Catholic Church at 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM and the Taylor Czech Chorus performed during the mass. Dinner was served at 1:00 PM at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish...

2014 Chapter Meeting - On September 11, 2014 a chapter meeting occurred at C&J Barbeque located in Bryan, Texas.  Multiple topics were discussed including several upcoming events including:   Fall Czech Celebration 10/12/14 BVCHS Kolache Baking Class 10/25/14 Brazos Valley Worldfest...

2014 Chapter Meeting - On June 26, 2014 a chapter meeting occurred at College Station Fire Station #6, located at 610 University Drive.  Multiple topics were discussed including a wrap up of events in the spring and a brief preview of some events to come in 2014/2015. 

2014 Czech Cuisine Day - On May 31, 2014, the Brazos Valley Czech Heritage Society presented its first Czech Cuisine Day.  The event included a catered meal, along with special Czech and Texas Czech treats.  The meal started at 5:30 and was located at the main dining room at Watercrest in Bryan (3801 East Crest...

2014 Texas Czech Celebration - On May 5, 2014 a Texas Czech Celebration was held at the St. Joseph Catholic Church PAC.  The event honored Tomas Pansky for his hard work and willingness to step in and teach the Czech language class for the spring 2014 semester.  A brief language class was held, followed by a Czech pot...

2014 Easter Kolache Baking Class - The class was offered by Brazos Valley Chapter of the Czech Heritage Society and took place on Saturday April 5th, 2014 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM at the Saint Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center.  The students learned how to make genuine Czech kolache and Easter Bread.

2014 Easter Egg Decorating Class - The Brazos Valley Czech Heritage Society sponsored it's first ever Czech Easter Egg decorating class on Sunday, March 30.  The class was instructed by Gail Urbanovsky and took place at the  Hope Evangelical Free Church Life Center, 5376 Raymond Stotzer Parkway,...


2014 Valentine's Day Dance - The Chapter's second annual Valentine's Day Dance was held on the afternoon of Sunday, February 16, 2014 at the St. Joseph's Catholic Church Parish Activity Center in Bryan, Texas.  A light lunch featuring chopped beef barbeque sandwiches was served.  Music for the dance was provided...


2014 Meeting and Cultural Presentation - The February 2014 chapter meeting occurred on Thursday, February 13, 2014 at the IHOP in Bryan, Texas. The discussion centered on multiple upcoming events including:2nd Annual Valentine's Day Dance Easter Egg Decorating ClassKolache Baking ClassApril Meeting and Cuisine DayThe...

2013 Christmas Party - The 2013 BVCHS Christmas Party took place on Friday, December 6 at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Activity Center.  Radek Skoda, PH.D. and his guest Researchers from the Czech Republic made a presentation on “Czech Traditions as Celebrated Today.”  The Reverend Rudy Junek gave the...

2013 Meeting and Cultural Presentation - Czech Fairy Tales - The November 2013 chapter meeting occurred on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at the Longhorn Tavern Steakhouse in Bryan, Texas. The discussion centered on upcoming World Fest and Christmas Party. The meeting also included a cultural presentation by Radek Skoda, PH.D. over Czech Fairy Tales.

2013 Meeting and Cultural Presentation - The October 2013 chapter meeting occurred on Thursday, October 17, 2013.  The meeting included a Potluck dinner and was held at the Hope Evangelical Free Church Meeting Center in College Station, Texas.  The main topics of discussion included recaps of the Polka mass and dance and...


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